A question for us to answer is, will we let change happen to us in the coming years….or will we create the change we want to see, so future generations are able to live a good life in Hawaiʻi?
And most important, will the future hold a Hawaiʻi that will still be the Hawaiʻi that we all love….a place of unsurpassed natural beauty that cares for those in need … a place that honors its rich, multi-cultural heritage….and, a way of life that is unique in all the world?
As an island state with an economy based to a large degree on tourism, diversified agriculture and a wide variety of other economic enterprises, our environment really is the foundation of our economic well-being and quality of life.
There is tremendous opportunity for environmental responsibility to be an economic force and for economic forces to be environmentally responsible.
And, we believe you can do well by doing good.
The goals of a strong economy and a protected environment are compatible.
Our natural and cultural resources are not just historic sites, oceans, streams, mountains, trees, birds and fish. They are the:
- Foundation of our quality of life
- Backdrop for our economy
- Our natural and cultural resources define Hawaiʻi’s “sense of place.”
- They make and keep Hawaiʻi, Hawaiʻi
In a single word, “Hoʻokuleana” is focused on “responsibility” – our individual and collective responsibility to:
- Participate … rather than ignore
- Prevent … rather than react
- Preserve … rather than degrade
This is not really a program, it is an attitude we want people to share. Each of us shares the responsibility for the protection and perpetuation of our quality of life – including economic opportunities and responsible use, understanding and respect for Hawaiʻi’s natural and cultural resources. It is about doing the right things for the right reasons.
We all want a higher standard of living for our children and ourselves.…and, we want to preserve and perpetuate everything that makes Hawaiʻi unique.…especially our cultural and natural resources….and Hawaiʻi’s unique and special sense of place.
Let’s continue to work together, take advantage of the opportunities before us and protect all that is special about Hawaiʻi; and, by doing so, maintain a strong economy and continue to make Hawaiʻi a great place to live.